Dick McRill's Orchids, Photography, Birds. Dick McRill's Orchids Dick McRill's Birds Dick McRill's Photography Dick McRill's Projects Dick McRill's suggested links of interest

Links of Interest...I am always finding links that interest me....here are a few for starters.

A compilation of orchid imformation gleaned from many sources that are in a single place. Not everything but a really good start! 

Harvey's Electronic Orchid Notebook

Jay Pfahl’s Orchid encyclopedia site. Listing Orchid species with information on over 6000 species and continuously growing . I am a contributor. I would invite others to contribute to the exchange of information to join in and use his site. I use it daily.

Internet Orchid Photo Encyclopedia

Dick McRill Orchid Photos of Orchids

Friends in Eugene Oregon who sell only great Orchids!

Briggs Hill Orchids, Inc.

American Orchid Society ( AOS )

Orchid sites

Papua New Guinea with information about their native and newly discovered local Orchids and links to other Orchid sites.

Papua New Guinea Orchid News

Birds and much more

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Nature Conservancy

Company with marketing and website expertise, which helped facilitate this site. A small but important part of their business is having a previous yellow page consultant who can help navigate that source of advertising, finding the bigggest bang for the buck.

AdSense Consulting

A friend, Bird Artist, Photographer, explorer, land conservationist and Orchid discoverer living and working in in Ecuador.

Lou Jost's publications, art, and works in progress

An incredible artist, Dan Chen!

FREE computer program that will help with many imaging file conversions and much more. I use it every day.

Irfanview  ...one of the most popular viewers worldwide!f

and another one that is cool

FastStone Image Viewer 2.9

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© Dick McRill. Images are provided for your enjoyment. You may not copy or use logos or images for any purpose without written permission.